
Intelligent Movement

BULLET Classifier System

The specific intention and design of the BULLET Classifier System is to deliver material directly into any type of holding containment! The system does not require a vacuum bin, conveyor, or the workers to manage them.

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About the BULLET

Advantages of using the Bullet™ Positive Displacement System:

Greater Production Capabilities: Continuous Sorting/Counting

No need for a vacuum tight bin at each outlet so no need to stop and dump!

Greatly Enhances Existing Vacuum Systems:

The key bottleneck in a busy soil room is the belt conveyor. Adding a Bullet™ to a standard vacuum system will increase the production by delivering the few key specific goods directly into the slings or sling carts, relieving the belt.

RFID Enabled - Totally chip driven or a Touch Screen Command or Both

Correct Counting and Weighing:

Each operator has a single motor feeding the suction tube keeping the velocity the same throughout the delivery process - "Same Velocity = Accurate Counting".

Greater Versatility to Fit & Adapt

A Bullet™ System is totally modular in design
The Bullet™ is the only system to use RFID and specifically reject non-read/non-register into a single location while placing all other items into their appropriate location in one movement.

Performance without the Vac Bin, Belt Conveyor, or Sweeper Personnel

Why did Automation Dynamics develop the Bullet™?

It is the fastest and most versatile way to move textile products - bar none! Some plants' mix of goods and business require a multi-equipment approach to handling, moving, weighing, counting, and sorting goods. Bullet™ by design will do what vacuum systems cannot.

Technical Specifications
The Bullet™ design changes drastically depending on your plant's needs.

The Bullet™ uses 5, 7, 10, or 15 horsepower motors and several feet of 7 inch pvc tube to take material from the receiving end to the delivery end.

Vacuum Bins
Stainless Steel Tables & Backs